Christian Accreditation Council and Standards CommissioN

Providing Quality Assurance in Higher Education and NGOs

Who we are

Christian Accreditation Council and Standards Commission (CACSCOM) International is a non-profit independent accreditation body dedicated to providing a professional, legal and relevant educational accrediting service to Christian Universities, Seminaries and Bible Colleges in Africa and internationally.

What we do

Christian Accreditation Council and Standards Commission (CACSCOM) International accredits and assists Theological schools, Universities, Seminaries, Colleges, Institutes, Training Centers, NGOs and Programs throughout the World. We accredit Campus, Online and Distance Learning schools and institutions.

What you’ll do

To get your Theological schools, Universities, Seminaries, Colleges, Institutes, Training Centers, NGOs and the likes accredited by Christian Accreditation Council and Standards Commission (CACSCOM) International, there are a number of simple processes and activities in our accreditation process.

Download caCscom detailed profile

Why choose us



CACSCOM is a legally registered and internationally recognized accreditation organization. We are duly licensed both locally and internationally.



CACSCOM carry out its activities in partnerships and affiliations with several high profile and well known local and international bodies.



At CACSCOM, we are glad to have earn accreditation for several organizations over the years. We are the best hands to guide and get you accredited.

Accreditation Process


Operates legally in accordance with State, federal and national statutes

Has sufficient administrative facilities to accommodate staff, administrative and educational file and records

Classroom facilities are adequate to accommodate student needs

All policies are made available in writing to relevant employees and students where applicable

Suitable procedures are in place to administer online and international students

 A current catalog is available to all students

Personnel policies are in accordance with federal statutes

Has a suitably qualified academic board or council to set and maintain academic offerings

Implements an evaluation system for student performance

All board and faculty members and staff must comply with New Testament standards of conduct

Schools must be in comply with fundamental Christian teaching

Each institution must submit an annual report.


Covering Letter

Registration Documents of your Org / College / Institute / University / Corporate Company

License (if applicable for education oriented Org / College / Institute / University / Corporate Company)

Employee Details (Salary, Attendance, Acquaintance, Etc.)

Details of Annual Budget and Auditing Documents

List activities and the related documents

Contact Details (Website, Email, Phone Number, Etc.)

Minutes of Meeting Register (Board of Members)

Planning and Implementation Details and Documents

get your institute accredited

We work as a single united team with market leading firms around the world to help you get the highest quality standards and accreditation.