CACSCOM  International is a non-profit independent accreditation body dedicated to providing a professional, legal and relevant educational accrediting service to Christian Universities, Seminaries and Bible Colleges in Africa and  internationally.

CACSCOM International is one of the largest accreditation agencies worldwide and currently accredits Christian Universities, Theological Seminaries and Bible Schools in over 30 nations. We accredit schools of all sizes no matter where they are in the world. CACSCOM INTERNATIONAL provides assistance whether they are onsite or online.


CACSCOM wishes to promote strong, high-quality independent higher and further education and training. It is our belief that the accreditation of institutions against standards based on the best current international practice can contribute to that aim. CACSCOM sees itself as being a leading practitioner in the provision of internationally recognised accreditation and related consultancy services in the field of higher and further education and training.


CACSCOM aims to provide globally respected and rigorous inspection-based accreditation to enhance the standards and quality of independent further and higher education and training providers. CACSCOM also aims to be recognized by the Africa and overseas governments as an influential voice on standards and quality for the independent education sector.

In addition to providing clear guidance to prospective students, we want to encourage continuous improvement in the general standard and quality of independent further and higher education in the Africa and internationally. While CACSCOM is not a membership organization, and must maintain an objective distance from institutions to preserve the value of its accreditation, we are nevertheless dedicated to helping colleges in their efforts for continual improvement.



We will act in a way that invokes trust and confidence of all internal and external stakeholders. We will offer informed advice, guidance and support to students and colleges, along with other individuals that have expressed an interest in the independent education sector.


We will seek to remain a well-respected and trusted organization by ensuring high standards of performance throughout our inspection, accreditation and consultancy work.


We will be objective, honest and transparent in our provision of quality services to our customers and stakeholders.


We will take full responsibility for all of our employees, systems procedures and processes, taking prompt and appropriate action to resolve queries or problems that may affect our customer service and care.


We are open and transparent about the work we do and how we do it. In our communications with customers we will explain clearly and authoritatively our standards and requirements in an open and honest manner.


We will ensure that within our professional relationships we act honestly and fairly. We will respect the dignity, diversity and rights of individuals and groups of people we associate with

OUR purpose

An accrediting organization is a watchman on the wall. Webster defines accreditation as: to give trust or confidence to; to vouch for; to recommend; to furnish with credentials, as an envoy or ambassador. Every accreditation group is not the same. They are different and focused in different areas of accreditation.

Christian Accreditation Council and Standards Commission is an international accrediting commission which holds as its primary objective the encouragement and maintenance of sound scholarship and the highest academic achievement in the areas of private education. Quality education is the goal at all times. Its purpose is the preparation of quality education in private schools, colleges, and theological seminaries. It is a non-governmental body and makes no claim to be connected with the government.

A degree covers the major taken with that degree. A student or potential student must understand that credits taken in one type of program may or may not transfer to another type program. This is the sole determination of the receiving institution.

The job market is highly competitive. Training is specialized in most fields. A graduate in one field may have difficulty in being hired in a field they are not certified for.

Christian  Accreditation Council and Standards Commission only works with private schools. The potential student should inquire before enrollment for the type training they will receive

We invite applicants from those institutions that would not qualify for, or do not want the governmental connection with, regional accreditation. We also welcome applications from those who have been denied by other accrediting agencies.

Since we believe in the right of separation of church and state, we have not, nor will we ever, apply to the Governmental Department of Education for any affiliation with the government. In other words, we are not a regional accreditation agency.

When an institution becomes accredited it indicates their willingness to become examined by a third party organization. It openly allows analysis of their policies and practices. Accreditation is purely voluntary in nature. Yet, accreditation of a Bible college or seminary gives a “seal of approval” for those who are attempting to find out where they would like to attend school.

The CACSCOM International was formed to be an effective alternative for many Institutions to acquire accreditation for the courses they offer. Many Institutions offer quality education in the Theological area but do not meet the exacting level of corporate standards set by a majority of the accrediting bodies.

Through CACSCOM International, even the smallest educational establishment can distinguish itself as an accredited body of higher learning.CACSCOM International recognizes the exceptions made to smaller or more specialized educational Institutions and serves to address this need.

Accreditation is quality control, designed for consumer protection. It is a collegial process based on self and peer assessment for improvement of academic quality and public accountability. It provides an external, third-party evaluation of the level of a school’s ethical standards, financial integrity, and academic credibility. The accrediting process requires institutions to examine their goals, operations, and achievements, followed by the expert criticism and recommendations of a visiting team of professional examiners, and later by the official vote of the accrediting board.

Persons whose professional or career goals require certification by a state or federal government agency should check in advance to determine whether a degree from an Christian Accreditation Council and Standards Commission school would be acceptable. Individuals needing to earn a regionally accredited degree in one of the disciplines offered by an CACSCOM International -accredited institution may wish to investigate comparable programs offered at more traditional on-campus colleges currently accredited by a regional association recognized by any country’s Department of Education.

CACSCOM International is a Christian based foundation that is dedicated to the specialized area of Theological Education.

Christian  Accreditation Council and Standards Commission was created to meet the growing need among non-traditional and traditional christian institutions for excellence in accountability and advancement.

CACSCOM International members are unmoved and solid in our shared Faith and Biblical Doctrine. Such as the New Birth of the Believer, Triune Godhead, Inspiration of Scripture, Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Virgin Birth.

CACSCOM International provides collaborative assistance, providing resources and development which enables its members to maximize student and educational goals. Together, CACSCOM International member institutions form a Global Institutional system through our vast network of rich ministry and educational resources. This affords limitless opportunities to students throughout this World!

Our strength and heritage is in our transparency to the consuming public, in our experienced commissioners, and member institutions, which include many major denominations and world-wide church ministries.

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Our Global Team

Prof. Andrease Olufestus, DD, PHD

global president/dg

CASCOM, Worldwide

Prof. Dr, A. Denish Kumar

Executive Director


Dr. Stella Olufestus, PHD

Secretary General

CASCOM, Worldwide

Prof. Afolabi Ojo, PHD

Director, Int’l Relations

CASCOM, Nigeria/Worldwide

Prof. Gideon Blessing

Director, Information & Comm

CASCOM, Ghana/Worldwide